Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Illegal Immigration, Socialism, and the New U.S. Caste System

More and more, the “democratic” party (and America in general, for that matter) has moved toward the ideology of socialism. Socialism applied to the arena of illegal immigration means that the democrats want, on the whole, anything from few restrictions on the illegal immigrant to complete amnesty for the illegal immigrant. The democrats want the government to help the illegal immigrant. For sure, they believe their actions help the illegal immigrant.

What this creates, though, is anything but help for the illegal immigrant. What do I mean by this? Glad you asked…

The Bush administration’s argument for amnesty is that illegal immigrants are willing to do jobs that Americans won’t do. Well, that’s just not true: if you pay a man enough, he’ll do just about anything. [Pick the cotton seeds out of cow manure? Sure, I’ll do that…for $150,000 a year. (See what I mean?)] The problem is that illegal immigrants are willing to work for lower pay than what the average American will work for. So the democrats’ answer is this: encourage the illegal immigrant to work in this country for lower wages. But this inevitably creates a caste system: the lowest caste is now the illegal immigrant who is willing to work labor-intensive jobs for a wage that Americans will not.

What we're left with is a generally educated middle- and upper-class (i.e. Americans) that are unwilling to work hard labor for mere scraps, and a generally uneducated lower-class (i.e. illegal immigrants) that is willing to work hard labor for mere scraps. Isn't that a caste system?

You think those in favor of amnesty realize this?


Bonnie said...

Post something happy! I want to read about something you like.

Anonymous said...

So is Bush a socialist?