Friday, March 7, 2008

Obama, Abortion, and Infanticide

Obama's true colors:

A summary:
Sometimes babies survive late-term abortions. That is, a late-term abortion is attempted, they get the baby out of the womb, but the baby survives the "procedure." Both the Illinois Senate and the U.S. Senate wanted to enact bills to protect these "survivor babies" from being discarded/killed. Obama opposed these bills outright. Twice.

And from Scott:
Even the most liberal, pro-choice senators voted in favor of this bill in the Illinois Senate. Obama was the only one to oppose it. I’m not a one-issue voter, but it’s significant that Obama votes against a law that intends to protect living, independent, out-of-the womb babies.

So congratulations, Texans. Forty-seven percent of you who voted in Tuesday's Democratic Primary voted for this guy.


Anonymous said...

That's just not human to vote against that bill.

Anonymous said...

Abortion is not the only issue that should be taken into account while voting for a President of a country!